posted By admin
One day youre important to them, the next day youre worthless.I have to let this gedichten over afgunst go because im not strong enough to handle it anymore.Forget about the rules or the fear of looking ridiculous.There are some gedichten over afgunst ways you have to bend, to compromise, to give something in order to gain something greater.Its not like youre giving up, and shouldnt try.If one day you want to cry, gedichten over afgunst just call me.But i also had the boys that are complete assholes, who probably used me for sex, and who were just someone to have fun with.The more i tried to keep you, the gedichten over afgunst more you pushed me away.And the suddenly, for no apparent reason, everything started to fall apart.Sorry gedichten over afgunst is one of those words, like lovethrown out there a lot.
Gedichten over afgunst
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